Well, we departed the International Tuesday after the Delegates meeting. We headed over to Waukashaw, Wi for dinner with the Klohn's and it was great. Thanks Kelly for the fabulous dinner. We headed out of there around 845pm for Houghton, Mi - making it about an hour before we crashed in a Walmart parking lot. We slept in and got back on the road around 9am then next morning, arriving up in Atlantic Mine, Mi outside of Houghton at our friends the Donovan's ( Bryce's middle name after their son Will ).... more on that later when I have photos. We spent last night there at their house on the shore of Lake Superior looking out towards Duluth, Minn. It was great and we did not want to leave. We headed for home this afternoon, making it to just east of Marquette, Mi - again on the shores of Lake Superior. We're here at a little Campground. Tomorrow, we're on the road early for a long day of trailering - I hope to make it to Ohio. Today was the VAC awards for the Concourse d'Elegance that I entered and I hear that Sophia took the Silver in the 50s... at least something positive came out of the rally. More on that later too! So, I'm headed for bed to get ready for tomorrow. See ya down the Road everyone! Ps - when we pulled out of International - I headed for downtown where I paraded down a No Cars road - State Street and then around the capitol. Check out Obie's blog photos as well as the House of Wisconsin Cheese's website. Thanks Obie for the photos! The VAC parade blew so we decided to go parade downtown on our own on the way out of town! That store owner had a sign out front - Airstream Parking - so I just had to take him up on it... it was worth an $8 bag of cheese curds he gave me for doing what I did so he could get the photo - and no, I did not get a ticket.
Rob, Zoe, and the kids... It's hard to believe it's over! Thanks for making the trip to see our state. As always, we had a fantastic time with the Bakers. That is a guarantee no matter where we are... even camping on asphalt ;-)
Steve, Kelly and the kids
Congratulations on Sophia! That is wonderful to hear. No one can deny how special your Sweet SOTR really is.
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