Well, the fetching of the 1958 Airstream Caravanner went well! Actually, extremely well. If you look off the to the right on my "Blog links" you will see one titled "Another 1958 Restoration" - well, this is LeRoy. He was started and now we will finish him!! I used some tires from a friend that I got them from in Frederick.... the photo directly below if gasing up in Frederick, MD - ironically.

Gasing up in Frederick, MD

1 mile into the tow - in Mount Solon, VA

At Dorsey's Market..... making a needed rest stop and checking the hubs. Mounted the new tires on 30 year old grease.... they stayed cool the whole way home!
All in all - it was a great ride home. My Airstream-Into-It-Ness is coming back!