.....let's just say I feel for Colin now, as to wonder "Where did Customer service go?" I ordered the Zolatone three weeks ago, was told by first supplier it would not be in until 3 April, and canceled that order. Two weeks ago, I ordered through a local auto store, told it would be in this past Tuesday... and today I found out it was never ordered by the parent store.... ugh! So, today, after flying into Syracuse, I drove over the warehouse in Rochester to pick up the Zolatone myself and so we have it. Hope to try "Toning" the SOTR tomorrow. The Marmoleum gets installed on Tuesday, and we hope to have the trailer painting done by then. So, while we've been waiting for that, I've had some work being done on our 58 Overlander (the trailer we'll use early this year) - new rear LEDs installed, new trailer whip (power cord to tow vehicle), side LEDs installed, and rear bathroom floor torn up and new installed (there was no bath so we are rebuilding that) - we'll rely on facilities at campgrounds. I traveled to Charleston, SC this week. I contacted Trailerworks to see if they had any 15" rims with Baby Moon clips on them - and they did. So, I traveled there, met Eric, on Wednesday and carried the rims home with me on the plane (checked as baggage courtesy of Lowe's storage containers). On my way home from Rochester I spotted a tiny Airstream out in the woods (turned out to be a 59 Pacer) - I'll be back for that one! and a 66-67 Globetrotter. I found this Avion in the junk yard two weekends ago courtesy of a friend of mine telling me he spotted it.... $800 and it's mine - hmmm???? So, here are a few shots of the Overlander too, and the three Baker boys working on cleaning up the bathroom sink for the SOTR. SYDTR!
Friday, March 30, 2007
Latest Update!
.....let's just say I feel for Colin now, as to wonder "Where did Customer service go?" I ordered the Zolatone three weeks ago, was told by first supplier it would not be in until 3 April, and canceled that order. Two weeks ago, I ordered through a local auto store, told it would be in this past Tuesday... and today I found out it was never ordered by the parent store.... ugh! So, today, after flying into Syracuse, I drove over the warehouse in Rochester to pick up the Zolatone myself and so we have it. Hope to try "Toning" the SOTR tomorrow. The Marmoleum gets installed on Tuesday, and we hope to have the trailer painting done by then. So, while we've been waiting for that, I've had some work being done on our 58 Overlander (the trailer we'll use early this year) - new rear LEDs installed, new trailer whip (power cord to tow vehicle), side LEDs installed, and rear bathroom floor torn up and new installed (there was no bath so we are rebuilding that) - we'll rely on facilities at campgrounds. I traveled to Charleston, SC this week. I contacted Trailerworks to see if they had any 15" rims with Baby Moon clips on them - and they did. So, I traveled there, met Eric, on Wednesday and carried the rims home with me on the plane (checked as baggage courtesy of Lowe's storage containers). On my way home from Rochester I spotted a tiny Airstream out in the woods (turned out to be a 59 Pacer) - I'll be back for that one! and a 66-67 Globetrotter. I found this Avion in the junk yard two weekends ago courtesy of a friend of mine telling me he spotted it.... $800 and it's mine - hmmm???? So, here are a few shots of the Overlander too, and the three Baker boys working on cleaning up the bathroom sink for the SOTR. SYDTR!
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Waiting on the Zolatone
Well, over the past few days, we've got the primer on and the Almond base coat in, but now we are waiting on the Zolatone. I originally ordered from Aircraft Spruce two gallons but it was on back order. They called and stated it would not be in now until the end of the month. Thus, I cancelled the order and went to the Zolatone link on www.airstreamtrailers.com - and found a store in town can get it, through a distributor in Rochester, NY. So, I ordered it and it should be here next Tuesday evening. I have my fingers crossed. But, here are a few pictures of how it's looking right now - already a dramatic difference.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Hehr Openers and Door work
Here are a couple shots of the Hehr window openers installed - I need ~7 more of them. I have eight openers just on the living room side windows. Vintage Trailer Supply will be my source, but they are on back order until April. Does anyone have any of these lying around? We are also repairing the bottum section of the door where there was a crease and minor dent too. Paint begins Monday!
Friday, March 16, 2007
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Getting ready to paint!
All the panels are in. The window moldings are going on, the molding around the Hehr vents and Astrodome are on (I need a Hehr Screen) and the rough spots on the Fiberglass endcaps are being attended to. Everyday it gets closer. Right now, the paint (primer and Almond base coat) will go on this weekend or early next week, the Zolatone should be here mid week next week, and the Marmoleum to be laid 3-6 April. Slowly but surely. Enjoy!
Sunday, March 11, 2007
1959 Delta Wing restoration
Here are a few more shots of our 59 Electra.. Love those fins! I'm looking for some front end hood moldings. Anyone know where I can get a few trim pieces? The 445 Wildcat is set up from sitting the last 40 years.... I picked up the 454 engine and Turbo 400 for $500. Wait until it's in and that dual exhaust is roaring! We're excited about the combo. Chevy Ave Restoration is really plugging away at it and the Airstream. Let me know what you think.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
It's warming up!

I brought some of the warmer weather back with me this weekend. It's finally a little warmer up here and the snow is melting. I drove over to the SOTR this morning and took a few shots. The Buick is over there now, and the engine is ready to be pulled to have the Chevy 454 installed. This, and the Turbo 400 will serve very nice (we did not want to break down and need a 1959 Triple Turbine Dynaflow worked on) as a power plant for pulling the SOTR. The engine is getting ready for detailing. By monday, the interior will be complete, and preparations will begin for new Zolatone paint - then it'll be the Marmoleum flooring. It's coming along. The area under the police whip antenna mount has been polished and the wire for it run to the rear wiring closet. The am/fm antenna wire has been run, all 110v and 12v DC wires have been run to the rear wiring closet and my XM satellite antenna wire and speaker wires (4) to the front and rear are in. Now, I need to find a new electrical panel box for the closet and it'll be wired in. The new stainless Marinco Power inlet is in too! That vinyl sticker with our names is a deep maroon in color and will be mounted up on the front curb side panel, like they did in the old days. By the end of next week, I'll have a nice aluminum tent!
Monday, March 05, 2007
More progress - Insulation

Last week I was out in California for work. Remotely, Chevy Ave and I went back and forth on requirements in the trailer for power. Outlets, outlets, outlets. And more outlets. 12v and 120v. The trailer is all wired now, and the roof panels and end caps are on. The rest of the internal panels will be installed by Wednesday, so Chevy Ave tells me. At the same time, they are also working on the 59 Buick (or Flo, as my boys call her) Electra. We're pulling the 401 Nailhead and Dyna Flo and installing a Chevy 454 w/ Turbo 400. It's gonna be a sweet package. Anyway, while I was out in California, I stopped by a custom vinyl sign maker and had this sign made for the front curb side of the trailer. Just like they did back in the day!
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