Here are a couple pictures of the 1960 Trade Wind trailer, from the outside and inside. I've done a little more polishing last night (using another polish that is working great that I found at a truck stop) and have a few pictures of the new fridge and flooring we've been working on. The fridge is a Dometic RM3862 that I found on Ebay. It came out of a 2003 Airstream that had been rolled and salvaged. It is huge, and works on propane (has to have 12v to do that) and 110. It mathes our woodwork quite well too. The trailer is really coming together. Having an operational step really makes the trailer too! Now to work on the water system to get running water, and then to fit in a house AC in the rear cargo area. We are headed to San Diego for 3 weeks on Saturday, so not much will be happening on the blog... it's a work / vacation as I am taking the family with me this trip! Enjoy.