Here is a before and an after shot. I know the patch needs a little polishing, and I will do that, but I wanted to get it installed.

It was a good time for just the three of us and it gave Zoe' a little quiet time too! Thanks Frank!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
New York - the Empire State
Tonight, my two oldest boys and I went out and spent some time with Sophia (albeit with two electric heaters going).... it wasn't that cold at all... and it felt great to be back in the trailer spending a little time with her. I turned on the 22" HD TV with a DVD for the boys - Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emplorium (a neat movie) and so they were entertained while I set out to install my wonderful patch that Frank's Trailer Works sent me a few weeks ago. The patch is for where my over the door outside light switch is installed. I was trying to figure out what to do there, since my switch was not installed when we did the wiring and I needed something to cover the hole I'd need to create to get the switch inside the wall. It works perfectly!

Sunday, December 28, 2008
Pre-Planning a Caravan
I know it's more than a few months away, but as the WDCU President, I'm working on planning a WDCU caravan out to the Wally Byam Caravan Club International that is June 28 - July 4th this year in Madison, Wisconsin. Right now I'm looking, since many members of our unit are up and down the east coast, to rhendevous at Heinz Field, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania for members to show up on Tuesday, the 23rd (there's a Pittsburgh Pirates home game that night against Cleveland) - it might be fun. My goal is to get to the Jefferson County Fair Park, near Madison, Wi by Friday, the 26th - the site where the VAC (Vintage Airstream Club) will be rhendevousing for their Parade into International on Saturday the 27th. What I'm planning is from Pittsburgh, to leave the early on Wednesday and head the approximate 250 miles to Jackson Center, Ohio - home of Airstream Inc. for the offical Day 1 of the Caravan. The plan is to make it there by 1pm to be able to make the daily tour at 2pm. We will spend the night there at the Factory. Day 2 will be a trip from Jackson Center, Ohio to Elkhart, Indiana - home of the RV/MH Hall of Fame where we'll spend the night and then get up and go the rest of the way on Day 3. So, that's what I've been working on today!
View Larger Map
Zoom out to see the entire route of the Caravan. Take care, everyone.
View Larger Map
Zoom out to see the entire route of the Caravan. Take care, everyone.
Friday, December 26, 2008
A new digital camera
For Christmas, Zoe' got me a new digital camera, so now the photos will return and they will be higher quality... I've promised her I would not jump up onto the Buick Fender with my camera in my pocket. Here's a shot of our three trailers sitting here in the snow... I have a goal to get the Sovereign of the Road into the barn, but it might not happen. Also, one of our coop and then a shot of the snow that's come off the roof (for Marcus). Now, when I start tearing into the Safari, I'll be able to grab good pictures as I go! Take care everyone!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Another Egg!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Cricket - A puppy for Christmas

The boys all have a Puppy as their number one wish on Santa's Christmas list. Well, last night, Santa dropped off (early) a little puppy he found out in the snow when he was working on the sleigh and checking out the reindeer harnesses for the big day. When he found her, a little 8 week old Chesapeake Bay Retriever, he knew the little boys wanted one and knew what he had to do - so under our tree this morning was a little note with this sweet little puppy with a bow on her. Boy the boys are excited. They've named her Cricket. I sure am glad I put all those Airstreams on my Santa wish list - I even attached maps to where they are sitting! Enjoy!
Monday, December 08, 2008
My life - sometimes!
I hope this link works...
This is where I end up when I go and buy an Airstream without getting permission... and, Zoe' wants a nice vaccumm cleaner, so she says.. maybe it's a trap! Enjoy this like I did.
This is where I end up when I go and buy an Airstream without getting permission... and, Zoe' wants a nice vaccumm cleaner, so she says.. maybe it's a trap! Enjoy this like I did.
Our first - It took forever
This post is for my buddy Steve "aka ByamCaravanner" - See, we bought chicks this past summer and have 12 of them now, all outside and living in the coop. We thought we'd never see an egg now that it gets so cold out and gets dark so early, but yesterday I got an email from Zoe' and the boys of this - our first! I wonder if there is one out there this am - it's only 7 degrees outside (that's for Marcus in Texas). People wonder how chickens and eggs relate to Airstreaming - well, with 4 boys in the house, we go through alot of eggs from the store, and eggs add up to $$$$ - money that's taken away from my Airstream fund - so, now I should have a little more discretionary $$$$ for my aluminum habit. I hear that 10 chickens can give off 5 dozen eggs a week - we'll keep a couple and sell a couple - and that way I can restore the fitty-for (for Frank) with the dough!
Saturday, December 06, 2008
The time of Year is FUN!
I love this time of year! Why? These pictures tell part of the story - 3 reasons!
This morning was a Breakfast with Santa and then this afternoon the boys went over to my mother and father in-laws to help decorate one of their trees - that's a future rally site in the background - up on top of the hill on the 85 acres! Big Bass - so bring a pole!
I got a question thanking me for one of the pictures I posted yesterday. I'm missing one of those clips for the antenna as well. See below for antenna parts. He doesn't have the hold down clips, but does carry whip antennas.
Anyone needing radio whips or antenna bases, or gutter antenna clips - contact Auto Outfitters, Inc: Northern Virginia's automotive electronics and accessories providers: Sales, ... Manassas, VA 20109. Phone: (703) 368-1756
Tell him the Rob, Airstream guy sent you! He'll hook you up!
Friday, December 05, 2008
When it rains Vintage, it pours Vintage

Last week, on my way to Virginia, I took a road I hadn't taken not too far from my house. I spotted an old Airstream that I tagged the location and said, I'd stop by on another trip. Well, today I did just that. I originally thought it was a small Safari sized mid 60s trailer... but today, when I stopped to see if anyone was home, I spotted the two axles and then saw the windows and knew it was a early 60s, Overlanderish sized trailer. So, here are a few pictures. I think it's a 62 Overlander with the International package. So, now we have the 48 Liner, the 52 Cruiser, and then this 62 Overlander.... the Overlander and Cruiser are like 5 miles apart... too cool! I'll be working on getting this one as well.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
A few neat pictures

This is one of my favorite roads in the county, just above my house - called Tinker Ridge. Can you tell why I like it. Yes Marcus, that white stuff is what they call SNOW!

This is a picture of a 52 Cruiser that is far from perfect, but oh do I want it. 25 feet and a single axle. It's about 35 miles from my house in the opposite direction than the Liner....One day, I hope she is mine (all the original interior is inside)

Hey Frank, look at that hatch... too bad that window is out... ya know what that means!

The tongue on that thing is like 6 inches underground... what a shame! I still want it. I put the door inside the last time I looked at it.
Monday, November 24, 2008
US Mail
Well, today I received a nice little gift that I wanted to share with you all in the mail. It was a CD of pictures and movies from this years Installation. Here is a picture of Debra and her bubble that we polsihed as well as a movie of us polishing it Also attached is a great picture of Dick's Holiday - two fiddy fives that you don't see everyday. I tried to load a video but it was just too large I guess. Thanks to Bob and Jim of the Ontario Canada unit!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Let it snow

Well, we got a few more inches of snow last night. So, I pulled out my 52 Farmall Super A that I have in the barn and finally figured out how to hook up my plow that I purchased a few years ago. Then, I plowed the driveway - you can see it out behind the Buick. Brrrr it was cold today... high of like 20 with a wind that made it feel like 6. I then split some more firewood. It is not even December and already we've burned alot of firewood. I also snapped a few of the Airstreams slumbering out in the snow. Enjoy the pictures! It's nice to be home!
Sunday, November 09, 2008
My break from splitting firewood today

Today, I finally got a little time and made arrangements to go and visit a trailer I've known about for a little over a year but hadn't made it over to see.... why I waited - not sure.. Well, I know - because if I saw it, I knew I'd want it! And that I do.... so, after splitting some wood this morning, I talk Zoe' and the boys into a nice Sunday drive - to where (you'll never find out the details until I have it)... it's about 40 minutes from where we live. This is a 1948 Liner, serial number 1222. So, if you know me, you know how excited I was to go see it! If I was to get this, it'd be loved and brought back to it's former glory for sure. The current owner is 91 and he got it when the trailer was 5 years old... it's a beauty and I'd love to own it!
Once we got home, I got to splitting wood again with the help of my boys... one on the trailer, one running the splitter, and then we stacked until it got dark!
It was a good Sunday. Enjoy!
Heat, Heat and more Heat

The winter and white stuff will be here for good very soon. Last week a cut a few cord of firewood while I was home. Well, today I split about three face cord and stacked it under the barn roof - you can see my stash under my lean two like roof on the side of the barn. I only have one or two more 16 foot flatbed loads to bring home and split up...
Does anyone out there B-B-Q?
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
A Fine Fall Weekend!

This weekend we traveled up to Lake Glory Campground near Catawissa, PA. The intent was to attend the go to the Knoebel's Haunted weekend Saturday night... however Mother Nature had different ideas in mind.. like rain all day on Saturday. Zoe' and the boys drove south Friday after school and I drove north. I ran into traffic near Harrisburg with Rt 581 east, my normal route to I83, was closed for a man hunt following some high speed chase.... so I took 581 west to I81 and met up with the Yensan's at the rest area near milemarker 80 on 81 North.. and we caravanned the rest of the way north. It was a good time - as Caravanning always is. We stopped at Centrailia, PA (home of the underground coal fire) where the town is all gone! Amazing to have an entire town (except for a few) bought out! We made it to the campground around 5pm. Zoe' showed up about 30 minutes later and the smile on my boys and wife's face made the weekend! A great campfire was had, rain all day Saturday with a quick trip to crazily packed Cabelas. The rain stopped at 6pm and another nice fire with the kids playing in the erily Halloween fog on the campground. Sunday morning came, and it was beautiful. Saturday morning, the Yensan's cooked breakfast and we (all nine of us) had breakfast in the SOTR, and Sunday, Zoe' cooked breakfast, and again, the 9 of us ate in the was great! Frank took this picture of us right before we all split up and headed south and north. Another great weekend! Thanks to all who came - Jerry, Sonia, and Colleen (1 kid), The Yensan's with Ava and Halle (2 kids), the Baker's (3 kids), Dave Morrison, Jane and her friends (5 kids), and Linda & Reggie and her two grandkids - for a total of like 13 kids and 11 Adults.. we were outnumbered! Thanks for the picture Frank - we love it!
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