Friday, June 26, 2009
Almost there
We've gone from central NY to an overnight stay in Covington, PA to Pittsburgh (wrong Cracker Barrel directions in the GPS took us right downtown to the not so nice part of Pittsburgh) to a nice stay at the Log House Gardens (thanks Roy in a huge way!). We then departed Pitt on Wed am heading for Jackson Center where we arrived at 130pm in time for the tour, spending the night in the heat! I put our Dometic AC to use on the Terraport. Up and at em at 7am, departing for Elhart at 730am. We cruised by Dan's at Vintage Campers where we had lunch then cruised up here to Elkhart arriving around 220pm. It was so hot, we decided on the Elkhart Campground about 4 miles away. The pool and power was nice! Now, we're rising and hope to be Caravanning at 8am heading for Jefferson, Wi by way of LaSalle on I80 - I-39. The VAC rhendevous is tonight and we parade into International tomorrow. Almost there!
Friday, June 19, 2009
On the side of the road!

Here I sit.. dumb @#$ me I left my spare at home. Sitting on the side of I-380 here in the Poconos waiting for my hero from the Good Sam emergency Road Side Service to arrive. I called a tire shop and found a 7X14.5 and bought it over the phone and the tire guy is going by there to get it for me on his way. Front curb side blew again. Something is amiss as I keep blowing that tire. So, while I sit I am surfing the net! Take care everyone. We depart Monday night for Madison, Wisconsin.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Busy, Busy
Well, I've been on the road for work for the past two weeks, and next week we depart on Monday for International! I hope our Caravanners are ready - I know I am. I've got the trailer down here this week working on a few things (refilling the propane tanks, cleaning, going through drawers that have become junk drawers... three weeks and the five of us - we'll need all the room for storage we can get. I'll post about the Pageant Rally I held tonight - I just need some pictures..... my main computer motherboard died so I'm a little hampered digitally right now. Hope for good weather next week!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
2006 CBR Video - Check it out!
What IT'S ALL ABOUT - A really cool video - I remember when they did this and it really turned out well.
I just took these photos tonight of our place... except for all the mowing - we love it!
I can live with it.
Deciding on the roof top ac was a no brainer this year - my wife's almost 4 months pregnant and there's no way I'm going through a summer of camping without AC - that's what she said.. lol. Seriously, these pictures were what my big deal with my rooftop unit was about. I have a center 12v/110v ceiling light that I thought was going to be interfered with more with the inside control panel. It's not too bad once installed. So, we'll live with it for now. Let me know what you all think. Take care!
Rooftop AC inside the trailer.
Rooftop AC inside the trailer.
Thanks again Dick and Doug! You are Zoe's hero!
AC Install - yes, the Hehr Vent is out!
Today, sitting here at work dialed into a teleconference for work, our dog started barking and I knew someone was here. I went outside and low and behold it was Dick Perkins and Doug Rowbottum, fellow WDCU members and good friends. They said, hey - we're here to install your Air Conditioner. I knew Doug and Terry had pulled down early for the Pageant of Bands Rally and were courtesy parking over at Dick's place. Doug opened up his truck door and he had 65 tubes of Vulkem that he just scored for $1 a tube at our local $ store. Good score.
So, I said, "Seriously?" and they said if you want...... and so I took them up on it. WDCU spirit in full swing!!! So, we went down to my old barn, got the AC and then we drove it up to the hill where the sweet SOTR is sitting. So, here's a picture essay of the install. Thanks Dick and Doug - this summer we'll be thinking of you while chillin in the trailer!

So, I said, "Seriously?" and they said if you want...... and so I took them up on it. WDCU spirit in full swing!!! So, we went down to my old barn, got the AC and then we drove it up to the hill where the sweet SOTR is sitting. So, here's a picture essay of the install. Thanks Dick and Doug - this summer we'll be thinking of you while chillin in the trailer!
And now all we need to do is to paint that brite white top cover aluminum color. Oh, by the way, this is a Dometic Duo-therm w/ Heat Pump 13,500 BTU (I think) AC / Heat unit.
Got AC!
Got AC!
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