Ok, we pulled the trailer over to Bowman Lake State Park on Thursday night, where we stayed after doing Thursday night chores. We got up early Friday morning, towed home and did the morning chores ( goat milking, watering all 100 + animals, hay to the sheep and goats, chicken feed to chickens and fed the dogs). We then got underway headed for the Herkimer NY KOA, where we were taking the boys to the Herkimer Diamond Mines to do a little treasure hunting. We had a blast. We arrived at 1pm, got set up and were in the mines around 230pm or so. 30 minutes later, my left index finger was gushing the red stuff... after miles and miles of telling the boys how careful they needed to be.. it was I, that ended up needing stitches.. well - we just glued it together... and a band aid!! Deep cut!! We went back to the campground and walked down to the river to Crayfish Island. Later that evening, we did the KOA wagon ride, Zoe' started the fire, then the kids had the 2100 Candy Hunt by flashlight.
Up this morning, Zoe' made bacon and eggs, hooked up and rolled for Sharon Springs, where the farm market and the Beekman Mercantile were on the list of "Things to do". We made it and it was a blast.
We slowly meandered back home via state routes 20 and 12, stopping for ice cream and food along the route.
What a great and albeit short family outing in Sophia - our Sweet, Sweet Sovereign of the Road!

One of stops this weekend was here in Richfield Springs, NY. It is at the Petrified Creature Museum and the boys have always wanted to stop. I've got a nice vintage Impko water decal for this place, so we stopped in today to earn the decal for the door of the Airstream.

Woah - I think we spotted the Bounder Buddy here at the Diamond mines. Could it be?

Looked in the back seat this afternoon, around 4pm, and Finn was falling asleep... a quick turn off the Route 12 heading south and we landed in North Brookfield at the King's Mills General Store. A really neat place.. like stepping back in time!

The rig parked out in front of the Beekman 1802 Mercantile.

At the Tunclif Creamery, Richfield Springs, NY... a great ice cream stop!

The boys hard at work sifting for treasure.

A short break munching of popsickles
Great fun! Great Memories.