Today, sitting here at work dialed into a teleconference for work, our dog started barking and I knew someone was here. I went outside and low and behold it was Dick Perkins and Doug Rowbottum, fellow WDCU members and good friends. They said, hey - we're here to install your Air Conditioner. I knew Doug and Terry had pulled down early for the Pageant of Bands Rally and were courtesy parking over at Dick's place. Doug opened up his truck door and he had 65 tubes of Vulkem that he just scored for $1 a tube at our local $ store. Good score.
So, I said, "Seriously?" and they said if you want...... and so I took them up on it. WDCU spirit in full swing!!! So, we went down to my old barn, got the AC and then we drove it up to the hill where the sweet SOTR is sitting. So, here's a picture essay of the install. Thanks Dick and Doug - this summer we'll be thinking of you while chillin in the trailer!

See Dick climb. Don't fall Dick!
Doug's up on top taking out the Hehr Vent.

Doug's cleaning up the old vent.

More cleaning and putting down the grey butyl tape.

Putting up some cardboard to put the AC unit on to line it up.

The unit to be installed.

Up and on from the back of Doug's truck.

Lining it up.

Making sure all the foam shipping pieces are removed.

Doug says, "It looks good." Now to the inside.

Here you can see the light and vent hole.

The light might be able to stay.

The old Hehr vent recently rebuilt.

Thing 1 and Thing 2 - thanks guys! These two guys get around inside Airstreams (see below)

Who's got my glasses?

Putting the cover on.

And now all we need to do is to paint that brite white top cover aluminum color. Oh, by the way, this is a Dometic Duo-therm w/ Heat Pump 13,500 BTU (I think) AC / Heat unit.
Got AC!
Way to go! And major buckets of karma to Dick and Doug. They are two of our WDCU best.
No drain pan? Didn't polish the roof? lol Looks good, and you will love it in the Summer! -Tim
Wow - that's great! I met Doug at the Texas vintage rally, and if Dick is just as talented, then you really got excellent help with your AC.
say it aint so!
I really like your SOTR, just short of lust but now it's tainted. ;) A rooftop AC...... geez. Couldn't you just give her a bucket of ice and a fan?
Looks great.
It looks great- once you get the cover painted silver it will really look awesome. Have fun with the boondocking rally this weekend- wish we could have made it. Tell Zoe hi! How do I get Thing 1 and Thing 2 to show up with polishers at our house?
Hello, I'm wondering, would you consider selling your old vent? Ours blew off after a few miles down the highway: we left it open after camping!! I've been looking around and your blog came up on the search.
Thanks for your time.
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