Some people out there say I'm not into Streaming as much anymore.... since I've bought the farm and have sold all but our pride and joy - the SOTR.. so, I've been out mowing the spot out back that will be our own little slice of Airstream heaven alot this summer. Now it only has to get green! So, here are my motivating photo shots for those out there that can not come close to being "Into Streaming" as much as I.... so - what's the formula for AirstreamIntoItNess? I know it has the following variables in it that cover 1 Jan - 31 Dec... (# of rallies attended, # of miles towing your OWN Airstream, # of thumbs ups or walk ups at gas stations, # of years in the WBCCI, year of Airstream (bonus if it's in the 50s) (minus points if it's a 70s), # of nights spent in the trailer, # of Caravans particpated in, a visit to the factory, WBCCI member, VAC member, TCT member - what other variables are there and then what's the formula??) - enjoy the photos!

Thanks for the motivating shot Paul!

Thanks for the motivating shot Marc!

These guys are motivating!

This advertisement is SO Motivating!

This guy motivated me so much I rallied in Michigan last year!

Of course, any SOTR and Torpedo in the same shot is M-O-T-I-V-A-T-I-N-G!

Our 59 Buick towing WILL be motivating!

Getting stuck on a hill is Motivating too! Go Dick, Go!

If Dick only knew what was ahead - the last motivating photo!! Anyone coming to a rally motivates me!

Of course, flying flags are MOTIVATING!

Vintage Water Decals drive the motivation!

An Airstream returning 50 years later to its birthplace is VERY motivating! I wonder if Fleetwood gets pictures like this?

Off to the races - of course the SOTR is in the lead! By four Globetrotters at least. Racing Caravanners motivate me.

Polished aluminum - nothing motivates me more!

The fabulous 50s motivate some... what were the 60s and 70s... not so motivating, right?
My 400th Blog post - can you say M O T I V A T I O N ?
Good pictures, quite motivating, Rob!
I will submit that when performing a vintage restoration, the number of hours worked on the Airstream should be added to the formula for Airstream Into-It-Ness. If you are pouring your own blood, sweat, and tears into an Airstream restoration, then you are DEFINITELY very much into-it!
Congrats on your 400th blog post! Great shots. MOTIVATION, you're there.
So if you have a 50's and a 70's are the points even? Thanks for your motivation, and the Hehr vent actuator. I have been looking forward to meeting up with you and your family again this year.
Dissing the '70's trailers again, eh? So when we are on the caravan this summer you'd better hope that nothing breaks on your 50's trailer and that something breaks on my 70's trailer ....or you're never going to hear the end of it !!!
But seriously ....I know what you are talking about. There's just too much "other stuff" and not enough time for Airstreaming. Just having the Airstream there at the house, however, provides such a psychological boost. It's always there like an old friend!
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