Well, on Thursday night, we taped Episode 59 of theVAP. It was our Airstream Christmas Wish List show. We had a guest appear towards the end of the show - Frank of ANNALUMANUM fame - the link is over in my links to the right. Well, Frank threw down a bathroom completion challenge to Colin and I, and I accepted. This post is for Frank! Here is where I currrently stand on our bathroom. The stainless tank is in but I have to install the vent tube still. The rest is there, except the tub, and that needs painting. Then, my plumbing. I was out there measuring for PEX today. You better get demo'ing your 62 Overlander Frank! GOOD LUCK! So, who'll flush first? Stay tuned.
Cool idea for us VAP fans to follow. I'm on the edge of my gaucho waiting for the results. Maybe Tim needs to pitch this to the reality TV networks. Good luck!
hubba, hubba...lookin' good!
Does the winner get a crown and a plunger to sit on their throne with? ;^ )
OK - Rob, my $ is on you. How can I help? Is the cast iron on your P-trap weldable? Can't it be fabricated from PVC or could you build a wooden box that hangs below the floor a bit but is enclosed from the bottom? Come on, you gotta win.
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