Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New 2009 Year to All!

And what a crazy year it’s been. No need to elaborate, we all feel it - be it the election, our 401ks (ouch), my back onto Active duty and then back to civilian life, all our Streamin (can't wait for 2009 season), and just our life in general! It's all GOOD! So, the Baker's wish all of you a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Today we're gonna kick back, organize (one of my resolutions), go for a run (another resolution), and watch the Rose Bowl Parade. So, take care... another 8 inces of white stuff yesterday!!

2009 looks to be promising...lots to do, lots to see, and lots of time to spend with all our friends out there! Take care, and here's to another year ahead of us!

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