Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Been a while

Well, it's been a while since I last posted. I've been really busy here with the Marines. I've been working a little here and there on Sophie, but to tell the truth, I've just been taking it easy in the evenings. I'm currently on the way headed north to NY for the 4th weekend, where I'll be building a chicken coop and possibly look into the wheel bearings on the Caravel. Next week is the 1st annual Vintage Trailer Jam . I'll head back down on Sunday and then I'll be working until late Friday next week (the 11th), but then will be driving home Friday night, and on Saturday, we're getting up early to head over to the Jam for the day - I've got to have a piece of Frank's pie!!! I've been thinking about it alot, and even though it would be awesome to take the SOTR over, it'll be really cool to be able to go from trailer to trailer without worrying about staying at the SOTR during open house. Plus, we'll go over, spend the day, and then most likely stay somewhere nice Saturday night - and I'll still get to meet alot of people I haven't met yet! Ok, see ya down the road.


the byamcaravanner said...

Sounds like a great plan!

We've done this twice in our local area... Once at a forums rally and once at a local WBCCI unit rally. We arrived a few hours before the open house to get the lay of the land and meet everyone and then stayed afterwards for the Saturday night potluck dinner. Makes for a very enjoyable day.

Make sure to stop by Anna and listen to her Klixon tongue hum. LOL!

I sure wish we could be there.

Frank Yensan said...

Rob, I am baking a shoo fly just for you, you get to choose who you share it with.

FlossiFur said...

Hey Rob, is $800 a good price on a 1986 Overlander--International edition? The interior is in pretty decent condition. A hell of alot better than Leroy!