Well, last weekend, we attended the Vintage Trailer JAM that took place over in Saratoga Springs State Park. It was great..but it did tire me out... I was in Charleston, SC that week, taped the VAP on Thursday night until around midnight, then made it to the Airport around 5am. I flew to Washington, DC (Reagan) and landed around 0830. I then got to my truck and had to make it back to Quantico for a 1400 briefing. On the way down I95, I got entangled with an unmarked cop car (that's a camp fire story - sorry), and made it finally to work around 0945. At 1500, we departed for NY. TRAFFIC around the Capitol and I81 is all I can say... we made it home around midnight...and at 0530 I had the wife and kids in the car to drive the 2 hours and 45 minutes to Saratoga... we arrived at 815am, and Frank was just getting out of bed - hey man, I thought Breakfast would be waiting... just kidding.. apparently, Frank has a hard time getting his ladies to get up in the morning..... So, we walked around, saw alot of familiar faces, and cool trailers and made it finally back over to Frank's place.... MMMMMM! Coffee, pancakes, bacon and Scrapple.... it was a breakfast that was enjoyed by many!!! The rest of the day, we just toured the trailers during open house and departed the pattern around 3pm. It was hot. On the way home, we stopped into Troy, NY to take a tour through Russell Sage College (Zoe's Alma Mater) and then home. On Sunday, we departed for Quantico again around 4pm, and with traffic, got back at 0100 on Monday morning...let me just say, 0500 came early and by Monday afternoon, I was beat! Enjoy... we'll be doing a Jackson Center, Oh to Milan, Mi for the Metro Detroit rally 13-17 August... so stay tuned!